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Poročne foto knjige #8


Končni izdelek, ki ga prejmejo moji poročni pari je unikatna foto knjiga narejena po njihovih željah. Danes si lahko pogledate različne foto knjige mojih parov in pa mojo vzorčno. Vsakemu od parov pustim proste roke pri izbiri platnice, saj je na koncu koncev foto knjiga za njiju. Vse foto knjige so ročno izdelane v Italiji in so res nekaj posebnega. Prva je narejena iz sivega platna, pentlja pa je narejena iz umetnega usnja.

Final product that my wedding couples get is unique photo book created by their desires. Today, you can look at a variety of photo book of my couples and so as my sample photo book for wedding season 2015. My couples can choose between different types of covers. I really want that every wedding photo book is unique like my couples are. All photo books are handmade in Italy and are really special. The first was made of gray cloth and the ribbon is made of artificial leather.

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Spodnja je moja vzorčna foto knjiga za poročno sezono 2015. Predvsem mi je všeč, ker so barve platnice minimalistične, tisk pa je tako kot vedno vrhunski.

The following is my sample photo book for wedding season 2015. In particular, I like it because the colors of hardcover are minimalistic, and the print is superb as always.

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Imejte se lep dan. / Have a nice day.

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ISPWP - Summer Contest 2014


Dobila sem najlepše in najboljše rojstnodnevno darilo. V mednarodnem tekmovanju poročnih fotografov sem prejela 16. mesto v kategoriji odločilni trenutek. Vesela tako zelo, da ne znam opisati z besedami. Še z večjim užitkom pričakujem letošnjo 19. poroko, ki se bo jutri odvijala v Kulinarični zidanica Opara. Čestitke tudi vsem ostalim zmagovalcem in hvala žiriji za priznanje :)

I got the most beautiful and the best birthday gift. In the international competition for wedding photographers I received 16th place in the category " The decisive moment". So glad that I can not describe in words. With even greater relish I am expecting this year's 19th wedding which will be held tomorrow in Culinary vineyard Opara. Congratulations to all other winners and thanks to the jury for this recognition!


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