ISPWP - Summer Contest 2014
Dobila sem najlepše in najboljše rojstnodnevno darilo. V mednarodnem tekmovanju poročnih fotografov sem prejela 16. mesto v kategoriji odločilni trenutek. Vesela tako zelo, da ne znam opisati z besedami. Še z večjim užitkom pričakujem letošnjo 19. poroko, ki se bo jutri odvijala v Kulinarični zidanica Opara. Čestitke tudi vsem ostalim zmagovalcem in hvala žiriji za priznanje :)
I got the most beautiful and the best birthday gift. In the international competition for wedding photographers I received 16th place in the category " The decisive moment". So glad that I can not describe in words. With even greater relish I am expecting this year's 19th wedding which will be held tomorrow in Culinary vineyard Opara. Congratulations to all other winners and thanks to the jury for this recognition!