V letu 2015 sem lotila novega cikla projekta »365«. Že dlje časa sem tuhtala, kako bi lanske poskuse nadgradila in zaokrožila v neko smiselno celoto, z repom in glavo, zanimivo zasnovo, dovolj živahen element, ki bi bil rdeča nit projekta, okoli katerega bi bilo mogoče doseči cilj: da se ga ne naveličam prehitro, da bo omogočal nove in nove ideje za posnetke in……da bodo do konca leta ujeti eni krasni spomini. In kot ta »rdeča nit« se čisto takoj ponudi kdo drug kot: RUDI!!! Rudi je pač tak veeelik srček, ki mu že celih 5 let uspeva, da mu s Primožem posvečava pravzaprav največ svojega prostega časa. Zaradi Rudijeve splošno znane trme ;) in drugih kvalitet lovskega nagona, se je sicer na začetku to zdelo bolj kot »mission impossible«, ampak trmasta sem tudi sama, in odločitev je padla. Rudi bo moj »PROJEKT 365«!
In zdaj, ko seštevam vtise prvega meseca, sem ful vesela. Veliko res lepih odzivov tudi vseh, ki projekt z mano spremljajo, mi potrjuje, da je naš maneken dobro opravil svojo nalogo. Naj bo vsaj tako tudi naprej. Se potrudim, da bo še boljše. In predvsem, da še koga od vas nasmejem, razveselim z novimi posnetki. Na gledanje!!!!
In 2015 I've started a new cycle of the »Project 365". For a long time I was mulling over how to improve last year's trials and wrapped in a meaningful whole, with tail and head, an interesting design and spirited enough »element«, which would be the central theme of the project, around which it would be possible to achieve the objective: to not get bored too fast to allow new and fresh ideas for shots and ... that by the end of the year I will catch some wonderful memories. And of course I choose RUDI!!! Rudi is such a cutie. For more than 5 years he succeeded that Primoz and I actually spend most of our free time with him. Due to Rudi's widely known stubbornness ;) and other qualities of hunting instinct, at the beginning this project seemed more like a "mission impossible", but I'm stubborn enough too, and the decision fell. Rudi is my "Project 365"! And now, when I collect impressions of the first month, I'm really glad. Lots of really nice responses from those who accompany a project with me, confirmed that our model well-performed its task. I hope that'll be at least as good as this month. I'll do my best to make it even better. And most of all, to make a smile on your face with some new photos of him. See you!

Imejte lep zasnežen dan. / Have a nice snowy day.