Drugi mesec je za nama in ko sem šla čez februarsko galerijo sem ugotovila, kako lepo se opazi menjavanje letnih časov in s tem barve postajajo vse lepše in vse toplejše. Res sem vesela, da nama ta projekt lepo uspeva. Če želite spremljati najin projekt še naprej, pa naju lahko najdete na facebook-u https://www.facebook.com/neza.plestenjak ali pa na instagramu https://instagram.com/mojfokus_photography/. #rudithebeagle
The second month is behind us, and when I went through February gallery I found how nice you can see the change of seasons and the colors are becoming nicer and warmer. I'm really glad that our project successfully grows. If you want to follow our project, you can find us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/neza.plestenjak or on instagram https://instagram.com/mojfokus_photography/. #rudithebeagle
Imejte lep začetek tedna. / Have a wonderful start of the week.