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Družina Babič


Prejšnji mesec sem spoznala super "cute" družinico na njihovem ranču. Mami Tadeja je prejela darilni bon od ene od mojih nevest. Ko sem prišla na njihov ranč sem bila popolnoma navdušena, saj sem videla ogromno živali. Še nikoli nisem imela možnost fotografirati otroka s konjem ali ovco. To je bila res nepozabna izkušnja in upam, da ni bila zadnja. Zarja in Tia sta bili res pravi srčici. Celo fotografiranje sta se smejali in Zarja je rojena manekenka. Res sem vesela, da lahko ujamem te neprecenljive trenutke za družine. Hvala vam za zaupanje in eno super krasno preživeto popoldne. Komaj čakam, da se spet vidimo, ko bom izpolnila eno izmed mojih velikih želja. Jahala bom konjaaaa :) In seveda komaj čakam, da spoznam novega družinskega člana. ;)

Last month I met cute family on their ranch. They got gift cartificate from one of my bride for present. When I came to their ranch I saw all these animals and I was sooo excited. I have never photograph children with horse or sheep and this was really unforgettable experience. Zarja and Tia are such cuties. They laugh all the time and Zarja is born supermodel. I am really happy that I can catch this priceless moments for families. Thank you for trusting me and super fun afternoon. I can`t wait to meet you soon, when I will try to ride a horse for the first time. This is really one of my biggest wish from a childhood and I also can`t wait to meet your new family member and to capture him with his mum ;)

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Oh, mislim, da so besede odveč. Res obožujem ta set fotografij z mami. Neprecenljivo!

Oh, I really think that words are superfluous. I really love this set of images with their mummy. Priceless!

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Zarja je zelo velika ljubiteljica živali. Ta nežnost, ta toplina. Živali to definitivno začutijo.

Zarja is a huge fan of animals. This tenderness, this warmth. Animals can definitely feel that.

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Imejte kar se da lepo preživet vikend. Moj bo kot vedno, poročni. In že komaj čakam.

Have a great weekend. I `ll have wedding tomorrow, so my will be definitely great. Can`t wait.

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