Zaroka - Volčji potok: Romana+Andraž
Še vedno se spomnim prvega srečanja z Romano. Dogovorili sva se za kavico pri porodnišnici Ljubljana, kjer dela že kar nekaj časa. Všeč mi je bilo, ker je točno vedela kaj želi in mi zaupala, kaj vse pričakuje od fotografa. Za predporočno fotografiranje sta si izbrala arburetum Volčji potok, ki je tudi meni zelo všeč, saj imaš na enem mestu ogromno kjut kotičkov. Na prvi postanek nas je pripeljal čudovit vonj rdečih in belih vrtnic. Bilo je čarobno. R&A sta se usedla na eno izmed lesenih klopi in bila neverjetno sproščena. Takoj sem začutila njuno kemijo in izkoristila vsak neprecenljiv trenutek, ter ga shranila za vedno.
I still remember the first meeting with Romana. We agreed for a cup of coffee near maternity hospital in Ljubljana, where she works for quite some time. I really liked that she knew exactly what she want and trusted me, what she expect from the photographer. For engagement session they chosen botanic garden Volčji potok, which I really like, because in one place you can find a lot of cute corners. A wonderful smell of red and white roses brought us to the first location. It was magical. R & A have sat on one of the wooden benches and they were incredibly relaxed. I immediately felt their chemistry and caught some priceless moments for them.
Ko smo prišli do navideznega gradu je Romana zamenjala styling. V preprosti črni obleki s salonarji je bila naravnost čudovita.
When we came to the virtual castel Romana chenged her styling. She was beautiful. She ware simple black dress and shoes.
Obožujem te štiri fotograifje. Sonce je bilo ravno v zahajanju in takrat se res ujamejo krasni svetlobni efekti in barve so žive in tople.
I love those four images. The sun before sunset is magical and then you can caught really amazing light effects and colors are warm and vivid.
Tokrat pa malo drugačna kombinacija dveh fotografij. Tokrat sem kombinirala črno-belo fotografijo s fotografijo vrtnic iz prvega dela session-a, če se spomnite. Vam je všeč?
This time I made a little bit different double-exposure. I combine black and white image with image of red roses from the first part of the session, do you remember? Do you like it?
Imejte krasno sončno sredo./Have a wonderful sunny wednesday.