Zaroka - Rakitna: Mateja+Miha
Še vedno se spominjam njunega maila, ko je v zadevi pisalo: poroka 14.06.2014 - odločila sva se za vas! Začela sem skakati po sobi in se že pripravljati na naše prvo srečanje, da jima način dela in same izdelke pokažem kar se da nazorno. Dobili smo se lansko leto v naši kjut kavarni Park na Vrhniki, ki je ravno odprla svoja vrata. Če se le da, pridem par minut pred dogovorjeno uro, da pripravim laptop s foto filmom, foto knjige, pogodbo in ostalo papirologijo in tako v miru počakam na vsak par. Takoj ko sta vstopila v kavarno sem vedela, da sta M&M. Nasmejana in zaljubljena do ušes...tega enostavno ne moreš zgrešiti. :) Po parih mesecih smo se dogovorili za lokacijo predporočnega fotografiranja in izbrala sta Rakitno. Povedala sta mi malo o sebi, in s čim se rada ukvarjata, saj če se le da, vključim to v predporočno zgodbo. Razlog za tako razgibano in športno obarvan session: oba navdušena športnika in Miha celo večkratni udeleženec Ironmana. Ufff, lahko rečem samo kapo dol.
I still remember their mail: Wedding 06.14.2014 - we decided for you! I started jumping around the room and already preparing for our first meeting, that I will show them our products and our way of working. We met last year in our cute café Park on Vrhnika, which has just opened its doors. If possible it`s possible I come on a meeting couple of minutes before the agreed hour to prepare a laptop with photo film, photo books, contract and other paperwork, and so I can wait on each pair peacefuly. As soon as they entered the cafeteria, I knew that they were the right ones. They were smiling and I could see it in their eyes that they are in love to the moon and back ... and that you simply can not miss. :) After a couple of months, we agreed for the location of the their engagement session and they chose a beautiful lakeside place named Rakitna. They told me a little about themselves and what they are their hobbies, because if possible I include their hobbies in their engagement story. They are both fitness enthusiasts and Miha even multiple Ironman participant. So you probably know why we had such a dynamic photo session. :) Ufff, I can only sayhats off.
Mateja in Miha, hvala vama za tako zabaven dan in predvsem hvala, ker sta me spustila tako blizu in mi dovolila, da ujamem vajino ljubezen v najlepši možni luči.
Za konec pa meni zelo ljuba fotografija. Kombinacija zaročnega prstana s fotografijo silhuete ob sončnem zahodu. Slika res pove lahko več kot tisoč besed. Enostavno in všečno!
Mateja and Miha, thany you for such a fun day and especially thank you, because you let me go so close and and allow me to catch yours love in the best possible way.
And for the end: image that tells more than thousand words. Combination of engagement ring shot and their silhouette.